The Most Common Types of Warts and How to Prevent Them

Warts. While they’re noncancerous, harmless, and generally small, this type of skin infection can be embarrassing and even painful depending on the location. They’re also notoriously difficult to get rid of. A quick Internet search will yield dozens of wacky home remedies; some involving duct tape, apple cider vinegar, and even banana peels. But before you rush to the store for bananas, remember that a skilled dermatologist will be able to accurately diagnose, treat, and get rid of your wart faster and more effectively. Read on for a list of the most common types of warts and how to prevent them.

How to Prevent Warts

Warts are caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV, which is transmitted through contact with infected objects like towels, washcloths, gym showers and floors, or skin-to-skin contact. People with weakened immune systems or poor hygiene are also more susceptible to infection. Below are a few key tips on how to best prevent warts.

  1. Keep your hands clean. Regular hand washing will prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, including HPV.

  2. Keep hands and feet dry. Warts thrive in warm, moist environments, so make sure to properly towel off after the shower.

  3. Wear shower shoes in locker rooms or communal showers. The more your skin is exposed to shared spaces, the higher your risk is of coming in contact with HPV.

  4. If you have a wart, make sure it stays covered with a bandage to limit the chance of infecting others and contaminating objects around you.

Are you ready to get rid of your unsightly and uncomfortable wart for good? Discuss treatment options with a dermatologist like Dr. Robert Miller of Long Beach, CA for the removal plan that will swiftly and effectively eliminate the infection. Dr. Robert M. Miller has been recognized as a Top Doctor by and has been awarded the Patient’s Choice Award, and is recognized as one of the top Long Beach Dermatology Practices by To schedule an appointment, click here.

Warts can be difficult to get rid of, and in some cases, can advance and spread to other parts of your body if not treated in properly. Consult an experienced dermatologist to learn more about how to quickly and most effectively eliminate warts.